Geology, mineralogy and characterization studies of Imperial Porphyry

Williams-Thorpe, O.; Jones, M. C.; Potts, P.; Rigby, I. J. and Peakcock, D. P. S. (2001). Geology, mineralogy and characterization studies of Imperial Porphyry. In: Maxfield, V. and Peacock, D. P. S. eds. The Roman Imperial Quarries: Survey and Excavation at Mons Porphyrites 1994-1998. Volume 1: Topography and Quarries. Excavation Memoirs, 67. London, UK: The Egyptian Exploration Society, pp. 305–318.



About the book: The Roman Quarryfield and settlement of Mons Porphyrites lies on the eastern flank of the mountain range running the length of Egypt's eastern desert zone. This study reports on a project investigating the region through surface survey - Volume 2 will publish the results of the excavation and the inscriptions and ostraca. The report outlines the evidence for the Central Complex, the quarry villages, the quarries themselves and the local infrastructure, and presents the pottery evidence and geological and mineralogical data.

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