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Brennan, John
About the book: In recent decades, factors such as the diffusion of mass systems of higher eduction and their increasing complexity and differentiation, the tendency to stregthen the autonomy of individual institutions, and the establishment of international exchange and co-operation networks in both research and teaching have strongly favoured the establishment of systems of quality assessment and/or accreditation.
This book is a summary of the presentations at a symposium held in Pavia, Italy, in 2006, in which experts in the field attempt to find some common reference points and discuss the present situation and likely future developments.
Contributors include:
Alessandro Cavalli; Don Westerheijden; John Brennan; Jef Verhoeven; Alberto Amaral; Ulrich Teichler; Jan Sadlak; Hans-Dieter Daniel; Alessandro Figa-Talamanca; Wim Blockmans; Akiyoshi Yonezawa; Pierre Dubois; Karl Dittrich; Wynand Wijnen and Massimilliano Vaira.