Somethin’ Doesn’t Seem Right: A Commentary on the “Scientific Method” and “Gang”Research

Ellis, Adam and Gunter, Anthony (2023). Somethin’ Doesn’t Seem Right: A Commentary on the “Scientific Method” and “Gang”Research. In: Ellis, Adam; Marques, Olga and Gunter, Dr Anthony eds. Thug Criminology: A Call to Action. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 57–72.



In this chapter, Adam Ellis and Anthony Gunter provide a critique [drawing on the first author’s direct experience as a student criminologist] of the social-“scientific” research methodologies that have been utilized by gang scholars for more than a century. During this period of history, largely privileged white Euoro-American academic ‘colonisers’ have created knowledge that has served to problematize, criminalize and ‘other’ indigenous, non-white and poor communities. Consequently, only one side of the story is/has ever been told; as such the chapter concludes by asserting the need for a new ‘criminology’, one which recognizes its privilege, and one which is open to transformation.

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