The White Male Criminological Gaze as Pornography: The Quasi-Sexual Academic Obsession with Black “Gang Bangers”

Gunter, Anthony (2023). The White Male Criminological Gaze as Pornography: The Quasi-Sexual Academic Obsession with Black “Gang Bangers”. In: Ellis, Adam; Marques, Olga and Gunter, Anthony eds. Thug Criminology: A Call to Action. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 27–41.



In this chapter, Anthony Gunter examines race/racism and the problematic question of gangs. He provocatively compares the white male academic’s voyeuristic obsession with urban Black ‘gang bangers’ to that of consumers of pornography seeking cheap thrills and sexual gratification. However, when one takes into consideration colonialism, slavery and 500 year history of the criminalization and violent oppression of Black bodies – and the role of the Euro-American academy – it is glaringly obvious that white males’ [not only scholars but also law enforcement, politicians, and journalists], quasi-sexual obsession goes way beyond gangs, but right back to the slave ships and plantations of the New World.

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