Observation and analysis of in situ carbonaceous matter in Nakhla: part II

Gibson Jr., E. K.; Clemett, S. J.; Thomas-Keprta, K. L.; McKay, D. S.; Wentworth, S. J.; Robert, F.; Verchovsky, A. B; Wright, I. P.; Pillinger, C. T.; Rice, T. and Van Leer, B. (2006). Observation and analysis of in situ carbonaceous matter in Nakhla: part II. In: 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA.

URL: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2006/pdf/2039...


Analysis of in situ carbonaceous matter in the Nakhla SNC meteorite has been carried out using a variety of techniques. Laser raman data shows the carbonaceous matter to be highly complex and static mass spectrometry has shown it to have an isotopic composition of '18 to '20' C.

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