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Bossu, Carina; Iniesto, Francisco; Vladimirschi, Viviane; Jordan, Katy and Pete, Judith (2023). GO-GN Guidelines for Equity Diversity and Inclusion in Open Education with a focus on Africa and Latin America. Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN). The Open University (UK).
The GO-GN EDI project has had two phases to date. The first phase (2018-19) focused on EDI practices in open education (OE) in Africa. Nine interviews with key OE experts and practitioners from Africa were conducted. This phase also included a two-day face-to-face workshop in Nairobi, and several dissemination events. Findings from phase 1 informed the initial GO-GN recommendations for EDI and also provided the foundation for phase 2 of the EDI project. Phase 2 of the project started in early 2020. Phase 2 aimed at investigating EDI in OE in Latin America. Although the initial plan for Phase 2 was to mirror the project design elements of Phase 1, this was not possible due to the impact of the Covid-19 global pandemic on researchers, participants and worldwide. Notwithstanding, 12 online interviews with key OE experts across Latin America were conducted, including participants from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Uruguay. Instead of a face-to-face workshop, the team conducted an online workshop with key project participants who had been previously interviewed.
Both phases were widely disseminated through conference presentations, webinars and blog posts; phase 2 blog posts were translated into Portuguese and Spanish. The objective of the implementation phase was reoriented to the production of this handbook, which contains a set of GO-GN EDI guidelines in OE based on the experiences of phases 1 and 2 and informed by the relevant literature in the field.