Student perspectives towards learning online

Leedham, Maria (2023). Student perspectives towards learning online. In: Leedham, Maria; Tagg, Caroline and Tuck, Jackie eds. Online Pedagogy and the Student Experience: Teaching Applied Linguistics and Beyond. London, UK: Open University Press, McGraw-Hill.



Online learning is becoming increasingly prevalent as an alternative to, or sitting alongside, face-to-face learning, with the Covid-19 pandemic accelerating this change (e.g. Hamer and Smith 2021; Introduction, this volume). While many other HEIs now offer remote learning, the Open University (OU) remains the largest such university in the UK and has been at the forefront of the shift from print-based to online learning. This change, while conveying many advantages, also requires significant changes to study habits for students more accustomed to face-to-face learning using print materials. This chapter explores how OU students – many of whom have previously only experienced ‘bricks and mortar’ settings – have made the transition to distance learning with a considerable reliance on online study. While the demographic of OU students is older than that of other UK HEIs, it is argued that reflecting on the perspectives and strategies of OU students who are experienced in (and yet still grappling with) online learning is useful for all UK lecturers.

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