More than one martian year of meteorology observed by the Insight lander

Forget, F.; Banfield, D.; Spiga, A.; Millour, E.; Borella, A.; Lange, L.; Newman, C.; Viúdez Moreiras, D.; Pla-Garcia, J.; Navarro, S.; Mora Sotomayor, L.; Torres, J.; Rodriguez Manfredi, J.-A.; Lewis, S. R.; Lorenz, R.; Lognonne, P.; Banerdt, B. and the INSIGHT atmosphere team (2022). More than one martian year of meteorology observed by the Insight lander. In: 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations workshop, 14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France.



InSight has been measuring atmospheric pressure, wind and temperature since December 10, 2018 (around Ls=304° of Martian Year 34), 14 sols after its landing. In particular, more than one Martian year of almost continuous measurements has been obtained in 2018-2020. InSight is located in Elysium Planitia, at 4.50238°N, 135.62345°E in planetocentric coordinates (-2614 m altitude below MOLA areoid). Hence, the geophysical lander is providing the best long-duration meteorological Mars station since Viking. In this work, we review the meteorological phenomena that characterize the pressure and wind measurements at timescales larger than 1000 seconds. A subset of the meteorological observations obtained at the beginning of the mission was previously reported in [1]. The analysis is helped by comparing the results with prediction from the LMD numerical global climate model (GCM, [2]) as re-ported before landing by [3].

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