Teaching Translation and Interpreting in Virtual Environments

Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Devaux, Jerome (2021). Teaching Translation and Interpreting in Virtual Environments. Journal of Specialised Translation, 36

URL: https://jostrans.org/issue36/art_hubscher.php#abst...


Interest in online teaching and learning has grown rapidly since the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic. As universities across the world decided to transfer their teaching provision online, translation and interpreting (T&I) educators faced the daunting task of delivering their courses effectively in this new mode. Common challenges included: designing and administering suitable assessments, ensuring student engagement, and fostering peer collaboration and interaction. Research in the field of online and distance learning provides a rich source of information to address these challenges, and yet, it remains underexplored despite its potential to inform and enhance T&I teaching practices. We introduce this special issue by presenting some fruitful research areas that could provide new directions for T&I pedagogy and improve our students’ remote learning experiences in the future. It is against this backdrop that the special issue was conceived. Contributions cover teaching translation and interpreting at a distance, and contextual issues and trends resulting from the act of teaching T&I online.

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