Digital Badges for TPD at scale in the Global South: a framework for implementation and field study in Assam, India

Cross, Simon; Charania, Amina; Wolfenden, Freda; Adinolfi, Lina; Sen, Sohini and Sarkar, Durba (2022). Digital Badges for TPD at scale in the Global South: a framework for implementation and field study in Assam, India. The Open University, Milton Keynes.



Over the last three years, the Digital Badges for Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in India project has conducted pilots, field trials and academic research with the aim of understanding more about the role for digital badges in delivering effective and measurable change in classroom teaching practice at scale. The report outlines the context of the present field study, discusses the approach taken by the team, presents early research findings, and proposes a three-stage framework for thinking about how digital badges could be used for TPD at scale.

Open digital badges are now becoming globally recognised as a means for structuring, acknowledging, rewarding and monitoring professional learning. However, there remain many important, yet
unanswered questions about their role in TPD in India, and more broadly, across the Global South. Furthermore, while in such contexts resources may be more limited, the scale, geography and conceptual challenges associated with supporting and improving TPD can be much more significant.

The project developed and delivered a field trial comprising three short Digital Badges in Assam, India with support of the state government. Teachers from over 220 schools, mostly unfamiliar with the concept of Digital Badges, successfully completed the TPD courses and badges. Teachers responded well: survey data shows 92% of teachers supported widespread use of digital badges in their state, 85.6% felt the badged courses would improve their job prospects. The project also hosted public events attended by over 200 teachers, teacher educators and national and state policy-makers and has received invitations to run a pilot in West Bengal and provided evidence to widen our influence to new projects.

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