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Iniesto, Francisco and Holmes, Wayne (2021). INSPIRE Fourth Industrial Revolution Teaching in the Classroom: Project report. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
The INSPIRE project provides evidence on key interventions and continuing professional development (CPD) needs to enable an IR 4.0 research and development strategy for education. The project builds on an inclusive approach to inform further research proposals to impact and transform the education sector. Evidence generated by the INSPIRE pilot project can be used to develop further initiatives to align with external funder priorities. Currently, across the UK, there is no systematic pedagogical design or evaluation to support interdisciplinary teaching and learning to include IR 4.0 skills and knowledge. There is also no clear national strategy for schools and further education (FE) colleges to follow in how to embed IR 4.0 Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics and Internet of Things tools (IoT), skills and understanding into their teaching. Such a lack of an evidence-based research study impacts our young students and education system and further discriminates against disadvantaged and digitally excluded groups.
The INSPIRE pilot study has applied a design-based research (DBR) methodological framework, embedding community of practice, to develop evidence and practice to address social exclusion in the workplace and society of 2030. The project three streams have been co-designed, involving schools and FE colleges throughout the process and engaging key stakeholders such as teachers, industry, academia, and local communities. INSPIRE project supports a multidisciplinary research strategy aiming to transform the digital skills gap in the education sector by bringing together the diverse expertise needed to pilot an evidence-based approach.
The INSPIRE pilot project has been funded by the Research, Enterprise, and Scholarships (RES) Enterprise at the Open University.