Readiness of Digital Transformation in Vietnamese Universities

Pitt, B.; Huynh, T. Q.; Gregson, J.; Seal, T.; Tran, H. H.; Nguyen, H. T.; Bui, T. N. T. and Nguyen, H. M. (2022). Readiness of Digital Transformation in Vietnamese Universities. British Council.



The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Viet Nam higher education has both highlighted and accelerated the digital transformation agenda at universities. National level policy has also shaped and driven forward the digital transformation agenda. Positive and rapid progress has been made to date. Some universities were actively engaged in this process prior to Covid-19 through the transformation of institutional processes and systems, engaging in a range of collaborative partnerships focused on digital transformation nationally, regionally and internationally and providing a range of support for students and staff. However, a range of challenges remain both nationally and in particular for those institutions that have only recently embarked on digital transformation.

The report presents a snapshot of the current state, and potential, of digital transformation in Viet Nam higher education and current collaboration with UK universities to support the digital transformation agenda. A holistic approach to address national issues accompanied by increased support to ensure that all HEIs, and their staff and students, are actively involved and supported appropriately in this process is key. Ensuring that support is equitably distributed is also key to ensure that all universities are able to effectively embark on their own digital transformation journey and participate in a range of collaborations.

This report makes a series of recommendations and also suggests a series of recommendations for collaboration to support different types of activity between UK and Viet Nam universities.

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