Embedding employability in distance learning education

Myers, Fran (2011). Embedding employability in distance learning education. In: Third Annual ESCalate Student Conference: Employability and Enterprise in Education, 11 Apr 2011, Liverpool Hope University.

URL: http://escalate.ac.uk/7960


This presentation and subsequent group discussion will aim to offer a snapshot then dialogue around current student perceptions of the design and delivery of Work Based Learning courses at the Open University Business School. Reviewing the work of the School in aiming to provide a flexible approach to the design and delivery of Work Based Learning at a distance whilst maintaining quality standards at scale, the presentation will explore:
a) How the design of the various business degree options available supports students undertaking a blend of theoretical and work based learning courses in the distance learning environment.
b) Whether the perceptions of academics designing work based learning courses around the constraints of a traditional distance learning model, and the anticipated changing power balance between learner and institution have been borne out in practice.
c) How students report back to the institution on their experiences – both via formal mechanisms and informal “chat room” dialogues, and how this is being reviewed to inform programme changes.

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