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Fraser, Arabella; Anjum, Gulnaz; Bukachi, Vera; Eltinay, Nuha and Kraudie, Amilcar (2020). Urbanisation and Climate Security: Towards Integrated Approaches for Cities. Planetary Security Initiative Policy Brief, Clingendael Institute.
Urban security is important to overall climate security, given exposure and vulnerability to climate impacts is ever more urbanised. Non-war related violence is a significant security concern in urban areas. Homicide rates due to non-conflict violence are particularly pronounced in Latin American and Caribbean cities, although on the rise worldwide. Beyond mortality statistics alone, a broad spectrum of civic, interpersonal and everyday urban violence potentially overlaps with the impacts of climate change to create mutually constituted vulnerabilities at the individual, household and community scales. These interactions have been poorly considered in both policy and research, but potentially undermine urban adaptation, security and development efforts. Solutions are needed which tackle unmet urban development needs and address security and climate risks together, both through programmatic interventions and urban planning initiatives. We recommend military and diplomatic security advisors, as well as those interested in transnational crime networks, liaise not only with governments in countries of concern, but also work with representatives of cities and local governments to address these underlying issues.