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Mitchell, Rafael; Agbaire, Jennifer; Paulson, Julia; Sprague, Terra and Tikly, Leon (2022). Endogenous systems leadership for education in crises: A framework for inclusive and equitable quality education in low- and middle-income countries. Bristol Working Papers in Education Series, Working Paper #03/2022. (Unpublished)
The working paper develops a framework for ‘endogenous systems leadership’ as a means of supporting the distribution of leadership across the local, middle and central tiers of complex education systems in low- and middle-income countries affected by crisis; in ways that respect the values, knowledge, practices and agency of actors in these contexts, which are characterised by the involvement of multiple international partners with a remit to support, and an obligation to respect and not override, local authority and decision-making. The framework identifies entry points for strengthening endogenous systems leadership of inclusive and equitable quality education for all.