Goal 1 Porre fine a ogni forma di povertà nel mondo
[Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere]

PoliS-Lombardia, AAVV (2019). Goal 1 Porre fine a ogni forma di povertà nel mondo
[Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere].
In: Accolla, Gisella; Boni, Alice; Campus, Daniela; Gay, Guido and Prandelli, Marta eds. Rapporto Lombardia 2019. Milan: Angelo Guerini e Associati srl, pp. 87–104.

URL: https://www.polis.lombardia.it/wps/wcm/connect/8ab...


Rapporto Lombardia uses the prism of sustainable development, as defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda, as a tool to read and orient Lombardy's regional development model, by informing policymakers, stakeholders and citizens.
Following the Agenda 2030 structure, this first chapter (Goal 1) assesses the state of the art regarding Poverty, using both statistical data and policy analysis to define the current strengths and issues in the regional context of Lombardy.

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