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Cross, Simon; Wolfenden, Freda and Adinolfi, Lina
Most interest to date in 360-degree video has focused on its potential value as an asset for teaching and learning with pupils in schools and students in higher education, the latter including for professional development purposes, rather than as a research or scholarship tool to explore dynamic contexts where the visual, aural, embodied and spatial aspects of educational environments combine in complex interactions and relationships. Its use in research and research within practice (e.g. action research) moves beyond the viewing of pre-prepared content and requires recordings to be made in the field and then for the viewer, be this a researcher or practitioners, to interact with these. In this chapter we explore the potential of this emerging technology to provide insights to deepen researcher and participant understandings of pedagogic aspects such as classroom interactions and pupil inclusion. We illuminate the discussion with findings and observations from a case study that explores the introduction of this technology in a low-resource educational setting thereby eliciting insights into its value in providing insights regarding use for action research, scholarship and professional development purposes.