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Fox, Alison and Busher, Hugh
Reflections on the preceding chapters are scaffolded by a previously published ethical appraisal framework referred to as the CERD framework (Stutchbury and Fox, 2009; Fox and Mitchell, 2019) which draws on four key traditions of Western ethical thinking. This framework is related to an ethical framework commonly used by Ethical Review Bodies in Global North Universities and to educational researchers’ professional code of conduct in the UK, the British Educational Research Association Ethical Guidelines (2018). The reflections make links between ethical and methodological decision-making that authors have discussed in their chapters. In discussing the potential for studies to plan for positive consequences for a range of audiences, the chapter considers how consequential ethical thinking (see Chapter 1) can be reclaimed from merely avoiding negative consequences in research, such as causing harm. It also considers the various ecological spaces with which researchers have to engage to support inclusive educational research, the relationships they need to develop and the responsibilities researchers face with a deontological ethics of care, requiring them to resolve multiple obligations to research participants, gatekeepers, and society in general.