'Distance needn't mean distant': Promoting a distance learning model of teacher education in a changing educational landscape

Defis, Nerys; Jennings, Carys and Jones, Mathew R. (2021). 'Distance needn't mean distant': Promoting a distance learning model of teacher education in a changing educational landscape. In: Teacher Education Advancement Network Conference 2021, 06-07 May 2021, Online, Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN).

URL: https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/public...


A poster and pitch presentation on The Open University in Wales' use of distance learning within the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) course.  Embracing the use of virtual platforms reduced challenges such as geographical differences and student isolation, allowing the University to provide continuity of support and professional learning for student teachers across Wales. This newly co-constructed PGCE course enabled the Open University’s partnership with schools to proactively support diversity in the teaching profession, offering access to a wider demographic. The distance learning model was a key aspect in building a more diverse Professional Learning Community and strengthening the bilingual PGCE Partnership at the Open University in Wales.

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