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Carr, Jessica E.
Who are we?
The Banbury self-advocacy group are part of the Oxfordshire based charity, My Life My Choice. The group and Jess Carr worked together to do research into how people with learning disabilities do citizen science.
What did we do?
We made our own citizen science project about how to look after cats and dogs. We learnt research skills and then used these to complete our project. Jess Carr also wrote down what we were doing as a group and investigated how we did it. This was to let researchers who do citizen science know how to work with people with learning disabilities.
What did we find?
People with learning disabilities can do citizen science. Researchers need to adapt the way they do it.
What are the suggestions?
We have the following suggestions for researchers:
1. Help them/people
2. Give it a go
3. Support them
4. Talk to people
This thesis belongs not only to Jess Carr but also to the Banbury self-advocacy group.