Generisches und spezifisches Anderssein: Shackshoone (1665–1680), Antonio Martinelli (1718–1740) und frühneuzeitliche Darstellungen von menschlichen Doppelfehlbildungen

Katritzky, M. A. (2021). Generisches und spezifisches Anderssein: Shackshoone (1665–1680), Antonio Martinelli (1718–1740) und frühneuzeitliche Darstellungen von menschlichen Doppelfehlbildungen. In: Stolberg, Michael ed. Körper-Bilder in der Frühen Neuzeit: Kunst-, medizin- und mediengeschichtliche Perspektiven. Schriften des Historischen Kollegs Herausgegeben von Hartmut Leppin Kolloquien 107. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, pp. 199–228.



Conjoined bodies were pervasive in early modern secular and religious visual culture. They contributed to scientific understanding and the performance economy through the circulation of non-normative corpses, performers trading on their physical otherness, and their images. My overview of generic conjoinment images is followed by a close focus on two performers with parasitic conjoined twins, Shackshoone, an Indian in seventeenth-century London, and Antonio Martinelli, an Italian in eighteenth-century central Europe. I investigate their medical and theatrical impact with reference to eye-witness textual and visual documents not previously considered together, including a new image of Shackshoone. Their cases demonstrate the importance of transnational, interdisciplinary and image-based researches into historical individuals whose fundamental basis for participating in the performance economy was their own exceptional medicalized bodies.

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