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Varli, Mehmet and Steffert, Tony
Background: The relation of Quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) and event related potential (ERP) to intelligence as measured by the Wisc-r.
Methods: was examined in six gifted and talented children (Mean IQ of 145 ). The children were in 5th and 6th grades at the İstanbul Ataşehir Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi (BİLSEM) for gifted and talented students. The EEG of the participants were recorded in both eyes-open and eyes-closed ‘resting’ conditions and during an ‘active’ visual go-no-go computer ERP task.
Results: The amplitudes, frequencies and peak latencies were examined as well as approximate entropy. The findings indicate that gifted and talented students display more regular ERP waveforms and an increased alpha amplitude.
Conclusions: These findings support the neural efficiency hypothesis, where gifted and talented individuals show lower neural activation in a task, which could be seen as sign of more efficient brain processing. This finding also shows that gifted people have differences in brain function and that these differences can be identified by brain imaging.