An investigation into how STEM students use learning resources in different formats, and how this use develops over time

Alexander, Laura and Lansbury, Alexis (2021). An investigation into how STEM students use learning resources in different formats, and how this use develops over time. eSTEeM, Open University, Milton Keynes.



1198 students on 3 different stage-2 (second year undergraduate) modules in Physics, Maths and Computing were asked to complete questionnaires around how they used the different learning resources on offer to study both their current modules and their stage-1 (first year undergraduate) modules. 225 students responded to the survey.

Key findings were that in the STEM faculty at The Open University:-

Students prefer a combination of books and digital resources to entirely digital resources, and this is not age related.

Students would like more non-textual (audio-visual) digital resources, and more online quizzes.

Students meeting an entirely digital module for the first time are likely to have problems adapting their study methods, particularly if this happens after stage-1.

The impact on students from poorer backgrounds of entirely digital modules should be considered, since entirely digital modules seem to require at least two different digital devices for effective study, as well as a good broadband connection and access to a printer.

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