Teaching supply chain management concepts through simulations and games

Tipi, Nicoleta (2021). Teaching supply chain management concepts through simulations and games. In: 28th EurOMA Conference: Teaching Operations and Supply Chain Management, 5-7 Jul 2021, Online.

URL: https://www.euroma21.org/


Simulations present a different way of engaging students in their learning journey. Within this study, a sample of published simulations and games are analysed based on their learning objectives, simulation design aspects and suitability for online synchronous or asynchronous delivery. Based on characteristics identified following this review, two alternative simulations are being developed, detailed, and discussed in this material. Each of these simulations have the scope to capture characteristics of developing and implementing simulations in teaching and learning supply chain management concepts. This study concludes with a framework for developing simulation models for teaching and learning supply chain management concepts.

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