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Mombauer, Annika and Deist, Wilhelm eds. (2003). The Kaiser. New Research on Wilhelm II's role in Imperial Germany. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
This is a collection of innovative essays examining the role of Wilhelm II in imperial Germany, focussing in particular on the later years of the monach's reign. The essays highlight the Kaiser's relationship with statemen and rulers, at home and abroad; his role in international relations; the erosion of this power during the First World War; and his ultimate downfall in 1918. The book demonstates the extent to which Wilhelm II was able to exercise 'personal rule', largely unopposed by the responsible government, and supported in his decision-making by his influential entourage. But it also shows that there was no lack of contemporary critics of Wilhelm and Wilhelminismus. The essays are based on the latest research and on a wide range of archival sources, and provide an up-to-date evaluation of the role and importance of this controversial monarch.