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Chambers, Clare
The paper examines the banking system over the last two years, since the first signs of the economic crisis became apparent with the collapse of Northern Rock. The paper will be in four main parts. Part one will consider briefly the economic crisis being experienced in the UK from 2007 to present. It will examine the collapse of Northern Rock and the regulatory interplay and causal actions between the United States of America and the UK. It will demonstrate the close relationship the global economic system has evolved into. The second part of the paper will consider the main regulatory documentations that have been published during the economic crisis. In total within the UK there have been 23 policy documents, speeches and regulations that have come into the public domain, these will be considered and analysed to demonstrate the policy approach taken by the tripartite authorities. The third part of the paper considers the impact the economic crisis has had on the banks banking organisations within the UK. The paper looks at the following banking institutions: HBOS, Lloyds, RBS in terms of the crisis. Finally the paper will consider what the future could hold for the banking system once it has recovered from the economic crisis. The paper explores the different approach to rebuilding the banking system and whether a global or pan European approach could be an option for reform regulation.