Maureen Oswin and the 'forgotten children' of the long-stay wards: research as resistance

Rolph, Sheena and Atkinson, Dorothy (2006). Maureen Oswin and the 'forgotten children' of the long-stay wards: research as resistance. In: Mitchell, Duncan; Traustadottir, Rannveig; Chapman, Rohhss; Townson, Louise; Ingham, Nigel and Ledger, Sue eds. Exploring Experiences of Advocacy by People with Learning Disabilities: Testimonies of Resistance. UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 153–171.



The late Maureen Oswin spent several years of her working life in the back wards of the long-stay mental disability hospitals where, largely forgotten, children lived out their childhoods and sometimes their whole lives. In this chapter we explore her work through the unpublished archived field notes from her original research as well as from her subsequent published work. We focus on the theme of resistance to neglect and deprivation by the children themsleves and the staff, and the cost of resistance to Oswin herself. This historical approach is of key interest to those involved in developing child care policy.

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