Gamified Money: Exploring the Effectiveness of Gamification in Mobile Payment Adoption among the Silver Generation in China

Wong, Donna; Liu, Hongfei; Meng-Lewis, Yue; Sun, Yan and Zhang, Yun (2022). Gamified Money: Exploring the Effectiveness of Gamification in Mobile Payment Adoption among the Silver Generation in China. Information Technology & People, 35(1) pp. 281–315.



This study investigates the use of gamification in promoting the silver generation’s adoption of mobile payment technology through the gamified cultural practice of gifting red packets. It considers the effectiveness of using gamification in a cultural context to promote technology acceptance among older adults. This crossover between digital technology and cultural traditions brings unique gaming elements to the adoption of technology.
Drawing upon Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and prospect theory, a research model is evaluated using structural equation modeling. Data were collected via survey from elderly consumers who are current users of WeChat but are yet to use its mobile payment functions.
The results reveal the perceived effectiveness of gamification is determined by the perceived enjoyment of the game and contributes to users’ attitude development, directly and through its perceived usefulness. Perceived risks were identified as a barrier to converting positive attitude into adoption intention.
The findings contribute to the conceptualization and understanding of the effectiveness of gamification in technology adoption, specifically among the silver generation.
In contrast with previous gamification studies on gamified experience, this study introduces a new conceptualization of the perceived effectiveness of gamification and its measurement. This study validates game engagement as being effective in encouraging seniors to adopt a technology. In an era of an aging population where digitization is also happening, improving the digital literacy and digital inclusion of elders by encouraging them to adopt technology is essential to developing a more accessible and inclusive social environment.

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