The Triumph of International Law: The Clash of Ideas That Shape International Law

Ajevski, Marjan (2020). The Triumph of International Law: The Clash of Ideas That Shape International Law. In: Claydon, Lisa; Derry, Caroline and Ajevski, Marjan eds. Law in Motion: 50 years of Legal Change. The Open University Law School, pp. 67–88.



International law has never been more relevant. It touches every corner of the globe and it even extends beyond Earth's atmosphere and into space. It regulates relations between states, between states and their populations, between states and international organization, and between any combination of these actors. The international system is a multi-level juggernaut juggling multiple communities, multiple loyalties and multiple legitimacies.

In this Chapter, I will talk about the two broad intellectual ideas that have shaped the international order since World War II. They have also brought it at a tipping point, where these two ideas are trying to force a change that they cannot fully accomplish. The result of this could be a long-term status quo, an impulse for renewed regionalisation of international relations and a decline in transregional relations.

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