Doing Cultural Studies: the Story of the Sony Walkman (2nd Edition)

Du Gay, Paul; Hall, Stuart; Janes, Linda; Koed Madsen, Anders; Mackay, Hugh and Negus, Keith (2013). Doing Cultural Studies: the Story of the Sony Walkman (2nd Edition). SAGE.



Why think about the Walkman in the 21st century? Can the Walkman help us understand today’s media and cultural practices? Through the notion of the 'circuit of culture', this book teaches students to critically examine what culture means, and how and why it is enmeshed with the media texts and objects in their lives. Students will:
Unpack the key concepts of contemporary culture, such as mobility, materiality, consumption and identity
Learn to think about some of the cultural conundrums of the present and their relation to the past, such as branding culture
Look with fresh eyes at today's media world and the cultural practices it gives rise to
Gain practical experience with the historical comparative method
Practice their critical skills with up-to-date exercises and activities
This book takes students on a journey between past and present, giving them the skills do to cultural analysis along the way. It remains the perfect 'how to' for students in media studies, cultural studies, design and sociology.

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