Shaping a New Type of Hearing: Training Future Lawyers in Online Mediation - insights from a pilot Project

Wolfreys, Allison (2019). Shaping a New Type of Hearing: Training Future Lawyers in Online Mediation - insights from a pilot Project. In: International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference 2019, Jul 2019, Bratislava - Slovakia.



The objective of the session is to provide an insight into the design and delivery of a wholly online mediation training suite that we have developed, written and delivered for our final year LLB Open University undergraduate law students. This interactive workshop will model aspects of the teaching methods and explore opportunities and challenges presented by exposing students to mediation training in an online environment.
Shaping a new type of Hearing: Training Future Lawyers in Online Mediation - insights from a pilot project

The objective of the session is to provide an insight into the design and delivery of a wholly online mediation training suite that we have developed, written and delivered for our final year LLB Open University undergraduate law students. The project forms part of Justice in Action, our distance learning clinical legal education module which supports students in the delivery of practical legal activities.
Clinical legal education is both experiential and participatory. Added to this, online mediation transcends geographic hurdles. We hope that our law students will become reflective professionals and this bite-size course aimed to encourage this. As mediation is increasingly embraced internationally and we move away from the traditional polarised litigated disputes, it is hoped that our future legal practitioners can work to produce fair outcomes that are owned and crafted by the disputants themselves. This project was designed to shape future lawyers’ aspirations and contributions to a just society by scaffolding effective online communication.
This interactive workshop will model aspects of this innovative teaching methodology and explore opportunities and challenges presented by exposing students to mediation training in an online environment.
To describe the content of the three mediation training sessions in overview and the different approaches of lawyers and mediators - benefits/disadvantages identified by our students
- To demonstrate how we explored the ethical issues
- To explain how we incorporated a future focus
- To explain the design of the sessions themselves and the underlying pedagogy
- To explore the communication techniques considered in the sessions
- To share student insights into their experiences in the role play simulated mediation sessions
- To share the student observations on the advantages of online mediation
- To discuss how perceived barriers to online mediation such as the inability to read body language can be an advantage for participants

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