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King, Helen; Harrison, Virginia and Pike, Graham (2020). A glimpse into the realm of police wellbeing charities. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Within the portfolio of wellbeing support available for police are those services provided by charities. Little is known about the overall contribution these charities play, or the public value they deliver as a sector. This report outlines results from qualitative scoping research that aims to gain a broad understanding of the role charities play in supporting police wellbeing in England and Wales. It gives insight into the different types of charity, their origins and approach to delivering services, the current status of the sector, the policing need for services, and challenges faced.
The report draws on detailed information collected from: sixteen semi-structured interviews with senior charity managers (2019) a one-day research workshop (2019) analysis of Charity Commission records (Financial Year End (FYE) 2018) police workforce statistics (Home Office, 2018)
All information contained within this report is taken from these data collection activities. Interviewees have a perspective that is independent from the police but based on exclusive access into the unfettered stories of policing employees in need. This report reflects the unique perspective of those charity managers, and incorporates (in italics) anonymised quotations from interview participants to illustrate key points. For inclusion in the study, police wellbeing charities needed to be i) registered with the Charity Commission and ii) delivering wellbeing-type services to police officers or staff (including retirees) within the last 12 months. For further information on the methodology for this scoping project please contact the research team or visit the project website.