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Ding, Rengen; Chiu, Yulung; Chu, Mingqiang; Paddea, Sanjooram and Su, Guanqiao
Microcantilevers were machined from a single lamellae colony of a polycrystalline commercial Ti-45Al-2Mn-2Nb sample using the focussed ion beam. The long axis of the microcantilevers is perpendicular to the lamellar interface with the notch prepared in the same γ lamella. Bending test results demonstrated good repeatability and the fracture stress intensity factor of individual γ lamella was measured to be
twinning ahead of the notch (crack) tip plays a key role in the crack initiation. TEM analysis shows that the interaction of twinning with the lamellar interface leads to interfacial cracking and contributes to the work-hardening observed.