Social Security Units of Assessment: an International Survey of the UK, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland and Australia and its Implications for UK Policy Reform

McLaughlin, Eithne; Yeates, Nicola and Kelly, Grace (2001). Social Security Units of Assessment: an International Survey of the UK, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland and Australia and its Implications for UK Policy Reform. Trades Union Congress.


This report examines social security units of assessment (UoAs) and considers the issues involved in moving towards an individualised system of social security. We consider in some detail issues of what kinds of UoAs matter, when, for whom, and why, together with the possibilities for beneficial reform in the UK. Its remit is confined to the social security and emergent tax credit systems for working-age people. It examines the experience of the UK in the light of the policy legacies and issues arising in the context of Ireland, the Netherlands and Australia. The issue of aggregation for state-provided social protection – be it through the tax or social security systems - remains an unresolved issue that must be addressed as part of any gender equality strategy.

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