A Humorous View into the Past: The Old Jokes Archive

Hall, Mark M. and Nicholson, Bob (2019). A Humorous View into the Past: The Old Jokes Archive. In: Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 4th Conference (Navaretta, Constanza; Agirrezabal, Manex and Maegaard, Bente eds.), 6-8 Mar 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 161–165.

URL: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2364/14_paper.pdf


Jokes represent one of the most understudied sources about nineteenth century society. Due to their ephemeral nature they slipped from attention as soon as they were no longer funny or topical. Digitisation of newspapers and books has made them available again, but due to their short nature they are not easily accessible through current generic keyword-based newspaper search systems. In this paper we present the Old Jokes Archive, which aims to provide a digital archive focused solely on jokes. The archive will support the full process from initial text acquisition to search and finally re-use by both academic and general public users.

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