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Pearson, E.; Hendry, H.; Rao, N.; Aboud, F.; Horton, C.; Siraj, I.; Raikes, A. and Miyahara, J. (2017). Training early childhood development cadres in low-resource contexts. UK Government Department for International Development.
This brief summarises findings from an extended literature review on the current status of early childhood development (ECD) cadres training and a Delphi survey of expert consensus on training needs for different ECD cadres operating in low-resource contexts (Pearson et al., 2017) titled Reaching expert consensus on training different cadres in delivering early childhood development at scale in low-resource contexts. The work was funded by DFID and led by a team at Bishop Grosseteste University in collaboration with colleagues from The University of Hong Kong, McGill University, University of Nebraska, University of Wollongong and University College London. The following overarching questions guided this study: ? To whom does the term ?ECD cadre? most usefully apply, given the wide range of settings and aims of early childhood development programmes? ? What are expert views on essential knowledge and skills required of ECD cadres working in different contexts? ? What are expert views on appropriate methods for delivery of training, and post-training follow-up, for ECD cadres? ? What are expert views on the necessary conditions for effective scale-up of ECD cadres training?