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Anderson, Jane and Thompson, Michael
An examination of the effect of various types of net curtain on the daylight factor in a domestic room of 4.8m in depth. The types of fabric tested are all commonly in use in the United Kingdom to provide privacy to windows: polyester net, muslin cotton and patterned polyester lace. A comparison of daylight factor for the curtained room with the uncurtained room under the same external light conditions shows an improvement in comparative values as distance from the window increases. For some types of curtain and light condition, results indicate an increase in Daylight Factor of up to 80% to that of an uncurtained room 4 metres away from the window. These results compare most favourably with model studies of the effect of Light Shelves to increase Daylight Factor in deep plan spaces, but offer a low tech and inexpensive method, easily adaptable to many window types.