Voyage vers le matérialisme : François Dagognet et l’évolution de l’épistémologie historique [A journey towards materialism: François Dagognet and the evolution of historical epistemology]

Chimisso, Cristina (2019). Voyage vers le matérialisme : François Dagognet et l’évolution de l’épistémologie historique [A journey towards materialism: François Dagognet and the evolution of historical epistemology]. In: Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette; Braunstein, Jean-François and Gayon, Jean eds. François Dagognet : Philosophe, épistémologue. Éditions Materiologiques, pp. 25–35.



I discuss the philosophy of François Dagognet as the inheritor of the French tradition in philosophy of science that, following Dominique Lecourt, we all now call historical epistemology. I investigate a particular aspect of this tradition. Dagognet has argued that Gaston Bachelard embarked on a journey away from Léon Brunschvicg’s intellectualism. I discuss this aspect of the relation between Brunschvicg’s and Bachelard’s philosophies, and Dagognet’s reading of it. I argue that Dagognet has continued historical epistemology’s evolution away from intellectualism, and towards materialism.

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