La construcción de la identidad femenina en los textos publicitarios; un estudio comparativo inglés y español

Gallardo, Matilde (2001). La construcción de la identidad femenina en los textos publicitarios; un estudio comparativo inglés y español. In: Hermosilla Alvarez, M. A. ed. Identidades Culturales, Actas del Congreso Internacional Identidades Culturales. Córdoba, Spain: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Córdoba, pp. 129–139.



Advertising assignates very precise roles to female and male characters, according to their sex and their relation with the product and the target audience. Traditionally, feminine identity in advertisements has been constructed from an essentialist perspective, defining its true nature on the basis of the differences with masculinity. This has been achieved by a process of lexical choice and selection, which illustrates and reinforces at the same time, the relations of power between genders in western society. The article analyses and explains the different female identities created by advertising campaigns through a series of examples of iconic female representations extracted from a wide range of advertising texts (cars, alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, household appliances, etc.) appeared in popular Spanish and English magazines aimed at female audiences.

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