English language and global teaching

Mayor, Barbara and Swann, Joan (2001). English language and global teaching. In: Lea, Mary R. and Nicoll, Kathy eds. Distributed learning: social and cultural approaches to practice. UK: Routledge.

URL: http://www.routledge.com/books/Distributed-Learnin...


About the book: At a time of increasing globalisation, the concept of open and distance learning is being constantly redefined. New technologies have opened up new ways of understanding and participating in Learning. Distributed Learning offers a collection of perspectives from a social and cultural practice-based viewpoint, with contributions from leading international authors in the field. Key issues in this comprehensive text are:
*the challenges of ICT to traditional teaching and learning practices
*the value and relevance of 'activity theory' and 'communities of practice' in educational institutions and the workplace
*perspectives on the relationship between globalisation and distributed learning, and the breakdown of distinctions between global and local contexts
*issues of identity and community in designing courses for the virtual student
*language and literacies in distributed learning contexts
This book provides useful introductory reading, building a sound theoretical framework for practitioners interested in how distributed learning is shaping post-compulsory education.

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