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Child, Alan James
This thesis presents an account of the design, development, application and evaluation of a reading attitude inventory. The Tulketh Reading Attitude Inventory (TRAI) was developed in response to the needs of an English Department in an 11 to 16 co-educational comprehensive school which was about to adopt the Cambridge '0’ level English Literature Syllabus (2002) Plain Texts in years 4 and 5.
There was a need to identify pupils to follow this course and it seemed likely that pupils with a positive attitude to the world of books and reading would be those who would find pleasure and success in pursuing an '0’ level literature course. The TRAI was designed and developed to test this assumption and to assist in this pupil identification and selection procedure.
The thesis also evaluates school examinations, teachers' subjective assessments and reading tests as methods of selecting and identifying pupils to pursue this 'O' level literature course.
A group of sixty secondary school pupils was studied and their progress documented over two and a half years.
The TRAI was found on test/re-test to have a product moment coefficient of reliability of +0,89 (significant at .01 level) and a predictive validity of +0.61 (significant at .01 level) when TRAI scores were correlated, using product moment, with 'O' level literature results. This suggests that the TRAI can contribute to the more accurate placement and selection of pupils on an 'O' level literature course