A history of the understanding of the miraculous in the Judaeo-Christian tradition with particular reference to the understanding of the miraculous in the principal fathers of the East and West and to the words used to refer to the miraculous

Dale, The Rev. D.W. (1987). A history of the understanding of the miraculous in the Judaeo-Christian tradition with particular reference to the understanding of the miraculous in the principal fathers of the East and West and to the words used to refer to the miraculous. MPhil thesis The Open University.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21954/ou.ro.0000f92e


In chapter 1 of this study the understanding of the miraculous in the Old Testament is examined as a) God’s guidance of history and the ordinary events of life and b) as God's activity in times of intensified revelation; events which might be distinguished as ’miracles'. The understanding of the miraculous in the Wisdom literature and the function of the prophet as a wonder worker are also examined. In chapter 2 the development of the doctrine of creation ’ex nihilo' is examined.

The understanding of the miraculous in the Synoptic tradition, with a detailed study of the words used to refer to the miraculous in this tradition, is examined in chapter 3. The understanding of the miraculous in St John's gospel is examined in chapter 4 and the remainder of the New Testament is examined in chapter 5. The understanding of the miracle of the Virgin Birth in the New Testament and the Fathers is examined in chapter 6 together with the understanding of the miracle of the Resurrection of Jesus in the Synoptic tradition and in St John. The Pauline understanding of the Resurrection of Jesus and of the risen body is examined in chapter 7. In chapter 8 the understanding of the Resurrection of Jesus, the resurrection of all men and the nature of the risen body in the apocryphal literature of the early Church and in the Fathers of the East and West is examined.

The understanding of the miraculous from the Apostolic Fathers to Augustine of Hippo is examined in chapter 9. The miracles referred to in Gregory of Nyssa's life of Gregory Thaumaturgus, the History of the Egyptian Monks by Rufinus and the Life of Apollonius of Tyana by Philostratus are examined in chapter 10. Appendix A examines the words used by the Greek Fathers to refer to the miraculous and the words so used in the Latin Fathers are examined in Appendix B. Hebrew words so used are examined in Appendix C.

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