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Lund, Roy Ridout
The special school of which I was head for 14 years, developed from functioning as separate, restricted education within an environment in which children could be enabled to come to terms with their emotional and behavioural difficulties, to functioning as an integral part of a continuum of services for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties within a mainstream curriculum model.
H.M.I. inspections of schools for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties in the 1980's criticised them over the breadth and balance of the curriculum. Many of these schools took this as relating to their style of working and, instead of reviewing the content and methodology of their curricula, developed more formal approaches when they introduced the National Curriculum. There is no specific Government advice over what constitutes good practice in the development and delivery of appropriate curricula.
Co-operation between mainstream schools and schools for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties seems to have ceased. More children are being excluded from mainstream schools and children from special schools are not being reintegrated.
The following questions have been investigated:
• What has traditionally been regarded as effective practice?br>/br>
• What are the needs of these children as learners?
• What is good practice in teaching and learning and is this appropriate to all phases?
• Is the concept of a "curriculum model" useful?
• Should there be a new role for special schools, offering a service to mainstream schools and a continuity of provision?