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Koruyan, Kasim
This study explores the ways in which the introduction of technology-enhanced task design may affect the motivation of students to read in English and encourage more autonomous approaches to reading in English in an Anatolian High School. The subjects investigated were Grade 9 students whose level of English was between A2 and B 1 according to the criteria set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning. Seventy participants engaged with specifically designed reading tasks. This case study draws on several theoretical frameworks: Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory (1985), Gardner's socio-educational model with regard to motivation (1985), imd notions of learner autonomy (Kohonen, 1992; Little, 1991; Ho1ec, 1981). Furthermore, the approach to designing the reading tasks was informed by Hampel's comprehensive expansion (2006) of Chapelle's theoretical framework (2000). Data collection and processing followed an exploratory case study approach applying mixed-method design using questionnaires (N = 70) given before and after use of specially designed, technology-enhanced tasks, pre-task interviews (N = 2), post-task interviews (N = 6), class blog discussions, and a researcher journal. Quantitative data were summarised and reported as average percentages. The differences in median scores for pre- and post- introduction of technology enhanced tasks were statistically tested using a Mann-Whitney U test. Thematic analysis was used in order to identify, analyse and report themes in qualitative data collected for this study. The qualitative data were transcribed and then imported into the qualitative data analysis software package NVivo 10, which allowed for the data from the transcripts to be coded to the main themes and sub-themes. Analysis of the results indicates that despite the prevailing traditional behaviourist approach to teaching, these particular Turkish Anatolian High School students were able and willing to exercise control over the learning of English, and that their intrinsic motivation to engage in reading tasks was increased through technology-enhanced, task-based language learning. This study contributes to the knowledge and understanding of learners ' motivation and autonomy when technology enhanced language learning tasks are introduced into a traditional learning context.