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Jajcay, Robert; Li, Cai-Heng; Širáň, Jozef and Wang, Yan
Regular and orientably-regular maps are central to the part of topological graph theory concerned with highly symmetric graph embeddings. Classification of such maps often relies on factoring out a normal subgroup of automorphisms acting intransitively on the set of the vertices of the map. Maps whose automorphism groups act quasiprimitively on their vertices do not allow for such factorization. Instead, we rely on classification of quasiprimitive group actions which divides such actions into eight types, and we show that four of these types, HS, HC, SD, and CD, do not occur as the automorphism groups of regular or orientably-regular maps. We classify regular and orientably-regular maps with automorphism groups of the HA type, and construct new families of regular as well as both chiral and reflexible orientably-regular maps with automorphism groups of the TW and PA types. We provide a brief summary of the known results concerning the AS type, which has been extensively studied before.