Quantum quenches in two spatial dimensions using chain array matrix product states

James, A. J. A. and Konik, R. M. (2015). Quantum quenches in two spatial dimensions using chain array matrix product states. Physical Review B, 92(16), article no. 161111(R).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.92.161111


We describe a method for simulating the real time evolution of extended quantum systems in two dimensions (2D). The method combines the benefits of integrability and matrix product states in one dimension to avoid several issues that hinder other applications of tensor based methods in 2D. In particular, it can be extended to infinitely long cylinders. As an example application we present results for quantum quenches in the 2D quantum [(2+1)-dimensional] Ising model. In quenches that cross a phase boundary we find that the return probability shows nonanalyticities in time.

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