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Yamagata, Naoko (2019). 第六章 ホメロスの英雄像—アキレウスとヘクトル、サルぺドン、パトロクロス— [Chapter 6 Images of Homeric heroes – Achilles, Hector, Sarpedon and Patroclus]. In: 川島重成、古澤ゆう子、小林薫編 [Kawashima, S.; Furusawa, Y. and Kobayashi, K. eds.] 『ホメロス『イリアス』への招待』 [An Invitation to Homer’s Iliad]. Tokyo: Pinakes, pp. 163–189.
The heroic code of the Homeric warriors is articulated more clearly in the portrayal of Hector and Sarpedon than in that of Achilles, but the portrayal of Achilles along with that of Patroclus shows many facets of Achilles’ character that make him attractive to the readers and audiences of the Iliad. He is childish as well as ‘maternal’, privileged by divine parentage and patronage, yet made more tragic by the divine knowledge of his own destiny, making him a ‘superhero’