The Concept Navigator: A Web-Based Concept Tracking Glossary Tool

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (1998). The Concept Navigator: A Web-Based Concept Tracking Glossary Tool. In: Teleteaching '98 - Distance Learning, Training and Education (Davies, Gordon ed.), Proceedings of the XV IFIP World Computer Congress, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (Austrian Computer Society) on behalf of the International Federation for Information Processing, Vienna, Austria, pp. 607–614.


The Concept Navigator was first planned during the development of a new first-year undergraduate introductory computing course in the Maths and Computing Faculty of the Open University. The creation of this course prompted a discussion about the function and potential of glossaries in giving a coherent overview of the terms and concepts of a subject area. The Web-based Concept Navigator glossary tool was conceived as a generic tool allowing course authors and learners to engage easily in a process of "concept tracking": getting to grips with terms and concepts, checking how they have been used in course materials, and being able to locate them at a later date. It is capable of tracking each concept (represented by one or more terms) as it develops and sometimes changes meaning within a set of texts. It makes it possible to create glossary entries very simply, and dynamically generates Web pages with three types of glossary structure: an alphabetical listing, a conceptual glossary, and the concept navigator proper.

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