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Marzocco, Nadia and Trimarco, Paola
This article involves a case study whose aim was to explore the attitudes and perceptions of teachers of adult learners to e-learning in English language education, with particular reference to writing. The role of writing as a tool for communication, as opposed to the learning and teaching of 'writing skills,' in e-learning environments is examined. The study has drawn on existing literature that identifies on-going tension between traditional and digital resources (Coryell and Chlup, 2007; Papadopoulou et al., 2008; Lea and Goodfellow, 2009) in education. Specifically, this study builds on Goodfellow and Lea's (2007) and Lea and Goodfellow's (2009) work in as much as it expands on issues of digital literacy skills and the role of writing through the lens of a literacies approach. From this case study, teachers’ perceptions of the role of writing, which is an integral part of digital literacy practices, is not considered as important to learning and teaching as the role of oral communication.