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Tatlow-Golden, Mimi (2011). Who I Am: Exploring the nature and meaning of children’s active and social selves. Scholarship Briefing Notes 13; Scholarship Briefing Notes, No.13. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin, Ireland.
The aim of this study was to develop a richer picture of children’s core self-concept factors and their meaning in order to increase adults’ understanding of the self factors that children value most. In addition, since self-esteem is based on core self-concept factors, the study aimed to use this richer understanding to assess the content validity of widely used self-esteem questionnaires. The central objectives were:
» to develop a richer picture of children’s core self-concept factors, with a focus on their active and social selves;
» to compare children’s core self factors with adults’ conceptualisations of children’s self-concept and self-esteem.